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Termite Pest Control

Rital Pest

Termites Control

Termites are a group of insect that mostly feed on dead plant materials, with the ability to digest cellulose. Subterranean termites, the most destructive wooden pest in the world, build their colonies in the soil and usually work their way above ground to reach wood or any other cellulose source. In search for food, subterranean termites will forage into homes from below the ground level right up to the highest point of the roof thrust. Over time, termite damage can become significant on door frames, kitchen cabinets, staircase and wooden flooring.

Signs Of Termite Damage

  • Termite infestation is usually not apparent until severe damages have incurred. They live in dark, humid and protected environment, which make them so hard to find - until it’s too late.
  • As termites devour their way through wood from the inside, it can be rather challenging to detect a termite infestation but there are some tell-tale signs that indicate their presence.

Termite Control

Termites are particularly troublesome pests as they can cause serious damage to your homeor workplace, and are notoriously difficult to get rid of. Often, they thrive discreetly and in inaccessible spots. Do-It-Yourself anti-termite treatments like termite spray might not be able to treat termite infestation at the root level, especially in the case of large termite colonies. Getting termite treatment from an expert pest control brand is the best way to remove termites from your property and safeguarding your precious belongings.

How To Get Rid Of Termites

Rital Pest ServicesI offers both pre-construction and post-construction anti-termite treatments to ensure your home and property are protected from destructive termite attacks.
  • Post-construction termite treatment: Our specialized post-construction anti-termite treatment acts as a protection against damages caused by subterranean termites for existing homes and business premises.
  • At Rital pest control we use only approved termite treatment chemicals. This ensures a safe environment during and after termite treatment.
  • Pre-construction termite treatment: With the help of pre-construction termite treatment service from Rital, you can move in peacefully to your new home or office, knowing your premise is now protected from termites. The process involves the use of Termicide spray at the site before it gets covered with concrete slabs. Our pre-construction Anti termite treatment, gives you complete peace of mind against termite attacks.